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Equity, Diversity and Inclusion


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We go further together

Connecting, protecting and exploring our world and beyond requires diverse perspectives and innovative minds across the globe. It requires you — bringing your whole self to work every day. We’re committed to creating an environment where everyone is welcomed, respected and supported in reaching their full potential. Read more in our 2023 Global Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Report.

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Top 10

Best workplace for veterans - rated by multiple veterans groups, including Military Friendly®, Fair360 and Military Times.

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We earned a score of 100 on Disability:IN’s Disability Equality Index for the eighth year in a row.

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175+ chapters

We have more than 175 chapters of employee-led Business Resource Groups with 15,000+ global members that advance inclusion and foster collaboration across our company and communities.

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Racial and ethnic minority representation in the U.S. is up to 35.3%, a four point increase from 2020 and three points higher than the industry average.

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3,300+ global ambassadors

More than 3,300 employees across 33 countries are registered Inclusion Ambassadors — individuals committed to advancing inclusion on their own teams.

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14.6% veterans

Veterans comprise nearly 15% of our total U.S. workforce and veteran representation is above industry standards in most of our businesses units.

Creating a culture of inclusion

Success for us is a culture of inclusion that relies on trust, care and connection. These are the improvements we're making across our company.

older black female employee walking outside with a younger white male employee

Advancing common understanding, shared experiences and mutual respect

We continue to integrate inclusive habits into the work we do every day not only because it’s the right thing to do, but because it makes a stronger, more innovative company.

Closing representation gaps for historically underrepresented groups

Over the past few years, representation of women across our global workforce and racial and ethnic minorities in our U.S. workforce has increased. These increases are thanks to hiring efforts, stronger retention and our commitment to developing diverse talent.

Achieving parity in retention rates of all groups

For each quarter in 2022, exit rates for women, men and teammates of all races were within 1 point of each other, holding steady from similar numbers in 2021. New tools and resources have helped managers have candid conversations and ensure their teammates feel seen, heard and supported.

Eliminating significant differences between the experiences of teammates from different backgrounds

We're making progress. Men and women of different races are reporting similar levels of psychological safety as measured through indicators like comfort in admitting mistakes and asking questions when they recognize tension or worry on their teams.

Reporting diversity metrics and progress annually

We’re holding ourselves accountable. We’ll continue to share our progress every year. See how we’re doing in our latest report.

Celebrating Our Progress

  • Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index 2023 Member
  • DiversityInc Top 50 2023
  • DiversityInc Top Companies for Veterans 2024
  • Military Friendly Top 10 Employer 2023
  • Human Rights Campaign Foundation Best Places To Work for LGBTQ Equality 2022
  • NOD Leading Disability Employer Award
  • DEI Best Place To Work for Disability Inclusion 2023
  • Military Times Best For Vets Employers 2022
  • Eastern Communications Group, Inc. HBCUs Top Supporters 2021

Business Resource Groups

Our volunteer, employee-led Business Resource Groups allow members with shared common interests or cultural identities to grow their community and skills while making a measurable difference.

Learn more about our Business Resource Groups
2 young Boeing employees wearing Boeing t-shirts with rainbow colored text, standing in front of a table at an event